With her friends at a Beverly Hills Hotel, Lindsay Lohan wrote down a list of the 36 people she’s had sex with and then talked s**t about them. She even had to pause to remind herself of who they were.
“They were giggling and talking s— about people in the industry,” a source, who watched as Lindsay jotted down name after name at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Jan. 30, 2013, tells In Touch.
“It was her personal conquest list,” the source says. “She was trying to impress her friends with the list and then tossed it aside.”
In Touch blurred out some names on the list because some of them are big names and they’re not all single which could put a damper on their marriages. Here’s a few of the names via In Touch and The Daily Mail.
None of the names are that shocking and a few of them no one even cares about. Although I’m kind of curious who patient zero was aka the first one to bang Lindsay. He must be thanking the gods his dick made it out of there unscathed.
One important question though. Why was this written on a Scattergories sheet and why was a Scattergories sheet laying around a hotel bar?
In related news, CDaN posted blind items of surprising people Lindsay has slept with.
Guesses so far are:
With all these names, you could easily play six degrees of Lindsay Lohan’s vagina.
Only 36?? I guess all that drugs affect a little bit her memory, a big slut like her only bang 36 people I don’t believe it!
Yay, slut shaming!