Nick Cannon really wants us to know his album comes out April 1st because not only did he dress up in whiteface, he also went on the radio and told Big Boy that he banged Kim Kardashian along with some other famous people. Coming off news of Lindsay Lohan’s f**k list, Nick was asked to name five women drunk enough to let him sleep with them.
“Mariah Carey,” he starts. “Christina Milian, Nicole Scherzinger, Selita Ebanks … oh, Kim Kardashian!”
“I didn’t know that Kim Kardashian thing,” Big Boy says. “I just forgot.”
“You just forgot because it’s been a lot of people since me,” Cannon replies with a laugh. “She’s a great girl though! Her and her family are some of the most incredible people I’ve ever met in my life.”
That’s a nice backhanded compliment. “She gives it up easier than the Cincinnati Bengals’ offense, but she’s a great girl.”