Correction: This Is a New Low

Just when you thought Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s life couldn’t get any worse comes news that Justin Bieber mocked him at a club.

On March 15, the Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day, everyone’s favorite Chris Farley impersonator took a party bus to Muzik nightclub in Toronto with four men he met outside city hall that day. I’m not even going to touch that one. He got drunk, went into the bathroom for an hour and came out looking high while “babbling that his wife and children do not like him.”

Before heading into the bathroom, however, he ran into Justin Bieber. Ford tried to shake Bieber’s hand but Bieber joked, “Did you bring any crack to smoke?” Ford got pissed and security had to bring him back to his party booth where he was entertained by three hostesses.

I stand corrected. Miley telling you to get it together after seeing you puke on Madonna’s steps isn’t rock bottom. This is. If ever Justin Bieber gave me a legit burn, I would slit my wrists right then and there.

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