Dov Charney Rocks Out With His Cock Out. Literally.

You may have heard that Dov Charney, now former CEO of American Apparel, was ousted from the company due to alleged misconduct. The board is intending to fire him “for cause.” This follows years of allegations of sexual harassment.

“The board’s decision to replace Mr. Charney grew out of an ongoing investigation into alleged misconduct,” the company said in the statement.

“We take no joy in this, but the Board felt it was the right thing to do,” Allan Mayer, one of the directors who will be co-chairman, said in the statement. “Dov Charney created American Apparel, but the Company has grown much larger than any one individual and we are confident that its greatest days are still ahead.”

A day after news broke, this video of Charney dancing naked in front of two employees while talking on the phone surfaced. I imagine this is exactly what Terry Richardson does too. They should meet up sometime. Swap tips on how to keep models quiet.

Video NSFW of course. Play at your own risk.

(H/T Gawker)

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C Banks
C Banks
10 years ago

Damn at least shave that thing down you might gain a inch or two