Janelle Ambrosia Can’t Be Racist, She Has a Black Cousin

Here’s a followup to that video of the stripper going Donald Sterling on a black guy who scared her children by starting his car. A bunch of reporters found out who she was, Janelle Ambrosia, an exotic dancer, and asked her about the incident. She ran through a litany of excuses for why she chewed him out with the n-word.

“Then the guy started running his mouth. Being the protective mother that I am, I started running my mouth. And he threatened me, I don’t know, saying that he was going to have me arrested or something.”

However, Janelle maintains that she’s not a racist and that the n-word just means “an ignorant person.” She insisted, “It doesn’t say black, white, Puerto Rican. It’s an ignorant person.” She’s probably never actually looked up the definition because its meaning is actually closer to “a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person.”

During a conversation with WBLK’s Big Rob on Wednesday, Janelle told the host that she became enraged after the man almost hit her children with her car even though she’s caught on video saying she’s mad because he scared her kids by starting his car.

She also says she’s bipolar, she’s currently switching meds and that her ex is trying to use the video to gain custody of the kids. Granted, any sympathy one might have for her disappears when you realize her children are better off with someone who isn’t a complete racist lunatic.

Here’s the kicker though. Jannelle also said she has a black cousin which means she totally can’t be racist. In any case, she’s not apologizing to the guy. For anything.

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