Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Definitely Back Together in a Publicity Stunt

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez hung out on Monday prompting rumors that they’re hooking up again and now there’s picture proof that the two are back together. A photo taken with the Shots selfie app shows Bieber cuddling with Gomez on a couch. Sources say Selena’s family is worried about her getting back with Bieber as everyone rightfully should be.

Though they shouldn’t be too worried. This looks like a publicity stunt to get hype for the Shots app. If you didn’t know, Justin Bieber is one of the backers of this selfie app so it stands to reason this whole “Justin Bieber cuddling with Selena Gomez picture” is a setup to get some much needed press since it’s not doing too well.

So, if you didn’t know already, your life is a lie and nothing in Hollywood is as it seems.

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