Shia LaBeouf Peed on a Restaurant Wall, Got Banned

Shia LaBeouf is now banned from The Local Peasant, a restaurant in Sherman Oaks. This after he was caught in the parking lot peeing on the wall.

According to witnesses, at one point during his 4 hour visit, Shia went to the back of the restaurant. Suspicious, the manager went to check on him. That’s when he found Shia giving his restaurant a golden shower. Shia apologized “in an odd rant.”

He went back in to order some food but the manager told him to get out. Shia paid his tab and promised never to return. The restaurant barred him from ever coming back. A big mistake if you ask me. What celebrity are they going to get to pee on their wall now? Seems like they didn’t think this one through.

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10 years ago

What a dumb ass!