Weird Al Yankovic Has a Video for ‘Tacky’

Look what the 90s barfed up. A new Weird Al Yankovic parody music video. Monday marks day one of Al’s #8videos8days project. This newly released video is titled “Tacky.” It’s set to the tune of Pharrell’s “Happy” and features guest appearances from Aisha Tyler, Margaret Cho, Eric Stonestreet, Kristen Schaal and Jack Black. Because if you’re going back in time to the 90s, you might as well double down.

With the advent of YouTube and unintentional self-parodies like Rebecca Black, it’s hard to know whether there’s still a place for Weird Al anymore. We’ll have 8 days to find out.

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Jason B
10 years ago

A staple of my youth has returned and yes, the man still has it.