HBO announced Tuesday that Vince Vaughn has been cast in season two of True Detective as Frank Semyon, “a career criminal in danger of losing his empire when his move into legitimate enterprise is upended by the murder of a business partner.”
Justin Lin (The Fast & The Furious, Community) will direct the first two episodes. Filming is scheduled to begin this fall in California, where the story takes place.
Note to Vince Vaughn: Don’t think Colin Farrell will be taking you to drunken orgies in the Playboy Mansion grotto. Colin has cleaned up his act – he’ll be taking you to yoga class. You’ll gain flexibility, your blood pressure will drop, and you’ll feel like a new man. Plus, Hef’s grotto remains closed during continuing efforts to remove the corpse of LeRoy Neiman from the pool filter.
Note to everyone else: Vince is a libertarian. If you want to wind him up, just tell him you don’t know which is more questionable – Rand Paul’s Mid-East policy or his home perm.