The Child Molester Got ‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ Canceled

After that report of “Mama June” Shannon dating a convicted child molester came out, TLC has opted to cancel the series after four seasons. Mind you, he isn’t just any child molester, he was convicted of molesting a relative of hers.

“TLC has cancelled the series Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and ended all activities around the series, effective immediately,” TLC tells Us in a statement. “Supporting the health and welfare of these remarkable children is our only priority. TLC is faithfully committed to the children’s ongoing comfort and well-being.”

TMZ writes that, while the show was slipping in ratings, it was still very profitable and that this wasn’t just an excuse to drop it. Sources say the network will pay for tutors and counselors for the kids.

In a post from June on Facebook, June denies dating the guy and said she would never go back to him.

I want to make a post trying to clear up the rumors remember you can’t believe everything you read! Ppl sell stories to the tabloid everyday that r false! It isnt true i promise my kids r #1 priority over anything else and I would never put them in danger period over this or anything else they r my life this is my past I left him 10 yrs ago for it and I wouldn’t go back

Of course, that doesn’t explain the picture TMZ have of them looking cozy in the same bed together. Maybe they were just reminiscing about the relative he forced oral sex with 10 years ago.

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