In March of 2013, Ashley Greene’s apartment burned down leaving one of her dogs dead. Her building manager, Adrian Mayorga, is now suing her claiming he’s suffered permanent respiratory damage. He also coughed through his sworn deposition that one of the men who cleared the unit after the fire found a glass crack pipe.
Mayorga said, he was the first person in the hallway after the blaze broke out and says he saw Ashley and the others “disoriented … they looked like they were drunk or under the influence of something.”
Mayorga also says in the depo … “The only people I saw getting treated was Ashley Greene, her brother Joe Green, and her — the current boyfriend, Ryan Phillippe.”
However, in a sworn declaration, Phillippe said he was never there.
Sources connected to the case tell TMZ … Phillippe submitted a sworn declaration to Greene’s lawyer this week, saying not only was he not in the apartment the night of the fire … he has never been in her unit at that building.
If you’ll remember, the fire was said to have been started on the sofa. The insinuation here is all three were smoking crack when the pipe exploded (neighbors heard glass shattering). That or it started when they passed out on the sofa with a lit cigarette. Because for some reason high people love doing that.