Disney filed a 171-page trademark dispute over Deadmau5’s mouse head costume saying, “Applicant’s Mouse Ears Mark is nearly identical in appearance, connotation, and overall commercial impression to Disney’s Mouse Ears Marks.”
Deadmau5 has fired back in a 1,000 page response. The Hollywood Reporter noted that the response claims Disney has been willing to work with him “on a number of projects” giving points in Deadmau5’s favor.
Two of “its most iconic properties” they were discussing with Deadmau5 were re-mixing the Star Wars theme and re-imagining Fantasia for the film’s 75th anniversary.
“The pitch involved deadmau5 creating and performing new original music at live Fantasia concerts at major venues around the world, including the Hollywood Bowl,” says Deadmau5’s answer. “The rationale given for selecting deadmau5 for this opportunity was that: ‘Deadmau5 is the most innovative musician of our time, and Disney the most successful entertainment brand to ever exist. Bringing these two visionaries together, with this particular franchise, provides an incredible opportunity that could touch millions of people around the world.’”
But, Disney is a nothing if not spiteful. After the trademark dispute began, Disney’s ABC division asked Deadmau5 to appear on Jimmy Kimmel’s Halloween show. That idea was eventually nixed by the higher ups.
…the “subject went pretty far up the chain,” whereupon the offer was rescinded with someone at Disney/ABC stating, “We have to stay away from [Deadmau5] until the matter is resolved.”
This lawsuit is ridiculous. The only people who are going to think Deadmau5 has anything to do with Disney are idiots and who cares about those guys? No one. The answer is no one.