First came The Fappening (which is still going on by the way). Now there’s The Snappening. A thread on 4chan saw the release of 13 GB of private Snapchats. Business Insider says hackers have been collecting the files for years and released most of them on Thursday. A few users who download them are now creating a searchable database that will let people find images by username.
Reports indicate a third-party Snapchat client, Snapsave, was hacked. The Android app allowed users to keep Snapchat photos and videos. Developer, Georgie Casey, denied his app was at fault saying it never logged username/passwords and denied the app stored photos online.
Another report says the images and video came from, a now defunct website used for saving Snapchats.
Snapchat has already issued a statement that none of their servers were breached and this was a result of a third party program.
We can confirm that Snapchat’s servers were never breached and were not the source of these leaks. Snapchatters were victimized by their use of third-party apps to send and receive Snaps, a practice that we expressly prohibit in our Terms of Use precisely because they compromise our users’ security. We vigilantly monitor the App Store and Google Play for illegal third-party apps and have succeeded in getting many of these removed.
4chan users say the collection contains many images and videos sent between teens. I’m assuming they also say it’s Pedobear approved.