Artist David Choe and porn star Asa Akira from the DVDASA podcast did a most wonderful Reddit AMA for 13 hours. The difference between this AMA and past AMAs? Most of the responses were video responses to requests for Choe and Akira to do stuff and 100% of them were NSFW.
Case in point, one user asked, “How much of (name any unit), probably cash, would it take for Steve Lee to let Asa put her index finger–up to her middle knuckle, at least–in his asshole? Can we find out? Don’t worry, Steve, I just wanna see you facial expression, not your Cinnabon. #NoJudging #TGFU.” They delivered with a NSFW video.
Not enough for you? How about Asa Akira using her labia as a puppet while Choe does a Kermit the frog impression? NSFW video.
Then the answer to what’s best in life? This.
DVDASA all day