Two years ago, Eli Roth, Marilyn Manson and Lana Del Rey collaborated on a project that was so sick that “it’s been locked in a vault for over a year.” At least that’s what Roth told Larry King in an interview last October.
The video leaked online last night and features Lana Del Rey’s head in bloody water, a misfit dinner party, balloons and Lana Del Rey getting raped. The NSFW video is below.
Manson’s people have denied any involvement. Kathryn Frazier of Biz3 said, “Manson did not direct this, shoot it, nor was it for a Marilyn Manson video or outtake footage made by him or to be used by him with his music. It must be a fan video splicing up old Manson video footage with someone else’s Lana Del Rey footage.”
big deal lol