New father and Tony Stark incarnate Robert Downey Jr. complimented a reporter on her boobs before a tv interview. The 49-year-old actor joined ITV breakfast host Lorraine Kelly, 54, in a hotel suite for a chat when, not looking himself, he glanced at her and said, “Nice tits.” The Daily Mail notes that she has a 36C bust.
‘He came on looking a bit worse for wear and he had no shoes on and he wandered around and he sat down and I said hello and he looked at me and said, “Nice t*ts”.
‘It could have been worse. He could have said, “Oh, I don’t like them”. It is a difficult thing to respond to.’
This took Kelly by surprise because she thought the temperature would be his biggest concern. She says a dude kept walking into the room every ten minutes saying it was too hot for RDJ. But no. It turns out RDJ’s biggest worry was Kelly’s fantastic tits.