Seals are Raping King Penguins

On Marion Island in the sub-Antarctic, scientists have begun witnessing fur seals coercing king penguins into 45 minutes of not so consensual sex. For the non-believers, they caught it all on film.

The deviant act was witnessed for the first time in 2006. Back then, they speculated it may be because the seal was either sexually frustrated or inexperienced. Or an aggressive predatory act. Or a playful one that turned sexual. However, new incidents have cropped up since then.

On three separate occasions, a research team led by William A. Haddad and de Bruyn spotted young male seals sexually coercing what appeared to be healthy penguins of unknown gender.

Two incidents occurred on Goodhope Bay, and one on Funk beach. The incident in 2006 occurred on a different beach again, called Trypot.

“This really made us sit up and take notice,” said de Bruyn, of the new sightings.

Each time this happened, the seal chased, captured and mounted the penguin. The seal then began pounding away and may have even managed to penetrate the penguin’s cloaca. In three of the four incidents, the seal let the penguin go. In the fourth incident, the seal ate the penguin.

Scientists are now theorizing the act is a learned behavior among seals of the island. So, yea, the seals are turning into rapists. That’s why fur seals are now known as the Bill Cosbys of the ocean.

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9 years ago

Males are a plague in almost every species.

9 years ago

Until all the facts are in, that last sentence is way out of line!!

Curt Pangracs
Curt Pangracs
9 years ago

Well, the Pelican sure looks put-out….

Curt Pangracs
Curt Pangracs
9 years ago

Someone has GOT to put these to music….

Traveller takes a Trip
Traveller takes a Trip
9 years ago
Reply to  Curt Pangracs

Nine Inch Nails?

Traveller takes a Trip
Traveller takes a Trip
9 years ago

Wild Kingdom has a whole new meaning.

9 years ago

You idiots are begging to be sued for that last sentence. It is one thing to report about the allegations of Bill Cosby’s rape case it is another to imply he is a rapist without actually being found guilty. That is called defamation.

Mike Francis
Mike Francis
9 years ago
Reply to  SomebodyNobody

Bill Cosby is a public figure. He would have to show actual malice to prevail in a libel case. Actual malice is defined as reckless disregard for the truth — you have to know it’s not true.