Emile Hirsch Put a Reporter in a Headlock

Semi-famous actor Emile Hirsch put Paramount exec Dani Bernfeld in a headlock at Tao Nightclub at Sundance early Sunday morning. Sources say Hirsch, starring in Ten Thousand Saints which premiered at Sundance last Friday, was, wait for it, drunk when he got all alpha male on her. For whatever reason, Hirsch had been talking s**t to her.

“Emile was aggressively picking on Dani,” said a source, who added that Hirsch then suddenly snapped and “He got even more aggressive and aggro. He pushed Dani up against a table, and then he put her in a headlock.”

Another source familiar with the incident called Hirsch’s alleged attack a “chokehold,” and added, “He attacked her from behind — he completely blindsided her after he’d been s - - t-talking and was already led away from her once.”

He probably got mad when she made a dismissive wanking motion like the other 50 audience members who had to sit through another one of his bullshit coming of age movies.

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