Brittany Snow Apologizes for On-Set Meltdown

Brittany Snow made amends for a recent freakout. Snow just filmed a commercial for Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea. Well, attempted to. The director couldn’t quite handle her non-existent ‘bubbly’ attitude and ended up giving her the axe. Whaa? Not our Brittany. Snow ended up flinging set pieces around, but looks like she’s apologized.

Snow ended up sneaking back on-set dressed as a janitor. Creative. She did her best to be bubbly with props and hey, it worked. Watch her climb into her cardboard bubble bath and fall. Her comedic timing’s not bad. The director still wasn’t having it, but he seemed slightly less annoyed. At least if this gig for Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea doesn’t work out, Snow can try out for slapstick comedy.

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