Justin Bieber Begs Seth Rogen to ‘Roast Me!’

Justin Bieber realized this upcoming Comedy Central roast gets him even more publicity. So now, he’s calling out even more comedians to take part. Probably wants to move the guest list from B-list to A-list celebs. The little man tweeted a few barbs aimed at Seth Rogen to try and get him to join.

Rogen previously called Bieber a ‘piece of s**t’. Basically, saying what everybody thinks. Bieber’s recent tweets taunted Rogen saying:

@Sethrogen I’m still your biggest fan. Even after “the interview.” That’s dedication. Roast me! Sincerely yours..the piece of s**t..justin;)

He also hashtagged his tweets “#WeWantSeth” and “#BieberRoast”.

Bieber probably thinks he’s in on the joke with all the comedians. Little does he realize, it’ll be the first roast where the comedians actually thoroughly hate the guest of honor.

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