During an LA screening of Furious 7 last week, Vin Diesel got all teary eyed as he talked about his bff Paul Walker who lived his life like he did in the six and a half Fast and Furious films he starred in. He got so choked up he could barely talk. The audience filled the awkward silence created by man-weeping with “I love yous” and “You got family here!”
You’re the real bros, audience who got free passes to a preview screening and probably didn’t remember what they were watching until that huge cast image showed up on the screen.
Wow Victor, nice article.
I have a suggestion, go kill yourself so I can go make an article making fun of people mourning your death. But then again you probably wouldn’t have anyone to mourn over you given how much of an inconsiderate asshole you seem to be.
But hey, continue living your life insulting people. . . Really, good for you Victor