Cancer Made Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Cry

The only thing bad enough to break Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson was running into cancer. Well, HE never got it. He ran into a fan who did and it brought him to tears. Awww. Rock go boo-hoo. The short story, a couple of fans started chasing after The Rock in their car. The Rock got nervous, wondered if he was gonna end up like Princess Diana or at best, Bruce Jenner, but decided to pull over. That’s when he got a case of the feels.

Cool story to share on Easter.. After my workout I'm drivin' in my pick up and notice these kids in the rearview mirror screamin' & runnin' after my truck. Thought to myself, "Should I stop or keep drivin'?" I stopped. I hop out of my truck and this kid runs up to me, hugs the hell outta me and says it's been his life's dream to meet me and tell me how much I've inspired him to fight cancer (Hodgkin's lymphoma) and hard core chemo and stem cell transplant treatments. He was a little teary eyed and said for months and months all he's wanted to do was find me and say this face to face. I told him what it meant to me to hear this story. I thanked him, hugged him (and his friends), got back in my truck and drove away. As I'm drivin' I start shaking my head (and tearing up) at how fragile life is and how amazing and cool the universe was to make this meeting happen between myself and this special kid Nick Miller. Let's always take a moment to count our blessings.. cause there's always something to be grateful for. Happy Easter y'all – DJ

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Basically, a fan wanted to tell The Rock how he inspired him to beat cancer. The Rock took an obligatory fan pic, drove off and started crying in his car. Then, he popped some protein bars, downed a shake and people’s elbowed those feelings to the curb.

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