Even Alan Thicke Can’t Resist the Sexual Prowess of His Son’s Music, Listens to Robin Thicke While Having Sex

Nothing like listening to your kids while you’re getting it on.

To be fair, Robin Thicke is a straight product of Alan Thicke having sex, but for some reason, bringing the two together again just seems unsavory. Father Thicke and wife, Tanya Callau, could have just merrily gone along not proclaiming this to the world and not grossing the rest of us out. When you’re put through the rigors of a US Weekly‘s Loose Talk interview though, how can you not to spill your guts?! Callau (28 years Alan’s junior by the way), told the magazine:

“When we do get freaky, we love Robin’s song “Sex Therapy”.

“You have to admit, it’s a great song to get in the mood.”

Uhh yeah, the rest of us can admit that, Tanya, but maybe you should hold back. Also, consider removing ‘get freaky’ from your vocabulary.

Robin Thicke is unsurprisingly peeved out, tweeting out that he would like his dad to return all of his music.

There are some things you just don’t admit.

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Prince Phillip Anon Harris
Prince Phillip Anon Harris
9 years ago

:-/ Uh! I was planing on doing that with Rihanna.