Jaden Smith Will Play Superhero Static Shock

Dear god, no. While on the topic of there not being a lot of young, black superheroes, Tyler James Williams from The Walking Dead and Everybody Hates Chris said in an interview with Flicks and the City (via Comicbook) that Jaden Smith has been cast as superhero Static Shock.

“I don’t know… What you’re taking about,” Williams says to Flicks And The City with a knowing smile. “But yeah no, it’s great to see Static Shock is happening with Jaden.”


The only saving grace is this is a live-action digital series Warner Bros. has been developing with Reginald Hudlin, producer of Django Unchained. The only way I’d watch this is if the “electricity-based” powers Jaden has is built up by shuffling his feet on carpet and is just him touching bad guys with his finger before they punch him in the face.

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