Julianne Hough Doesn’t Care about Her Nip Slip at ‘Dancing with the Stars’ After Party

Oh, it’s just a nipple. That’s what Julianne Hough’s face seems to say when the paps caught her with one poking out. Well, poking out, and obscured by heavy fabric, dark lighting and if you squint really, really harder and say ‘nip slip’ 3 times fast, it’ll appear. As will your semi-hard boner. Semi-hard because it’s only a nipple. There’s also a belly button if that turns you on more.

You probably can’t see more than a nipple because Hough hates her body. Gawd, another girl with body issues. How are we supposed to see any leaked nude pics if you never get comfortable with your body? I mean, we just want what’s best for you. Body acceptance.

“I still have not mastered feeling 100 percent confident in my body,” she said in the interview [with Yahoo Style] posted Tuesday. “I still have days where I look in the mirror and say, ‘Thanks, Grandma, for giving me my thighs!’ ”

If people only knew what she did in her free time:

“People see me on the cover of Allure or in a photo shoot like this or on Dancing With the Stars, and I’m super glammed up,” Hough says. “But if they only knew who I really am. I’m sitting on the floor, eating food, making out with my dogs.”

Making out with her dog..umm..okay, that’s still acceptable. Dog breath beats cigarette breath any day of the week.

Nipple in the gallery. Pinch and zoom to your heart’s delight.

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