She did it. She finally did it. In a Major League style underdog tale, Lindsay Lohan has finally graduated from her probationary years.
Not only did Lohan spend 8 grueling years under the restrictive chains of prohibition, starting with her 2007 DUI and 84 minute stint in jail, prolonged by her 2012 reckless driving case and casually lying to police, LiLo completed the near-impossible feat of completing 115 hours of community service in 16 days.
“Why did she have to do so much service in so little time; that’s crazy!” you both ask and exclaim. Oh, because after being ordered to complete 125 hours in February, she had logged just 10 by two weeks before they were due. Clearly having some probationary procrastination senioritis, Lohan.
The mandatory volunteering, or more accurately voluntolding, came from Lindsay’s personal fast and furiousing in 2012. In Feburary (2015 for your records), when Lohan was still slacking on her community service, a judge granted her three months more probation to finish her hours, giving her an option of volunteer or jail. For once, Linds decided to step it up and put in 2 weeks of 8-hour days volunteering around NYC.
The question now becomes what will Lohan be famous for next? Acting, hot messing, casual lesbianism? The answer is still probably probationary cases. Good luck, LL.
Who’s lindsay lohan?
DID she do something I should know about!