Cold Sore Contracts Coming into Play with Hollywood Herpes Scare

Wikileaks keeps us informed again, lets us know Sony is way into stopping the spread of cold sores.

Though most of us get herpes type 1 from having a loving family member who gives you a goodnight kiss, Sony is treating them like they are basically type-three-ing all over actor’s mouths.

As a requirement for film shoot insurance, Sony has required actors to fill out a “Cold Sore Questionnaire” requiring a description of locations, confession of first appearance, recollection of the time they last, list of past outbreak triggers, and account of medication previously used. Additionally, actors must sign and date the questionnaire to attest to its validity. You have probably told your last significant other less information before entering into a Simplex 3 common area.

Leaked emails for several different films show actors will skip the coldsore questions altogether. This is probably because A. can you really remember the last time you had a coldsore and what caused it? And B. No one wants to face the onslaught of freaking out Sony execs not wanting to pay higher insurance.

Apparently found in this leak, an Aloha actor admitted to using Abbreva causing the least amount of controversy publicly cared about by that white washing.

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