Another quintessential country song has been conceived as Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert officially divorced as of July 20th. This after Shelton’s July 6th filing.
Shelton allegedly found out Lambert had been cheating on him and was suspicious for months that her mister was Chris Young, her opener for her 2012 On Fire tour.
Young, whose new country song will likely be “I wasn’t cheating with her,” disputed allegations on social media denying any romantic involvement; it took him more than 140 characters.
Don’t think Lambert gets away with the whole cheating thing scot-free. Shelton claims his ex-wife had relations with “not a country singer,” which will probably be the name of his new song narrating this split. After he “received certain information,” the rumor bumped to fact in his mind and was enough to encourage a split.
When asked how she was taking the divorce, a source said Lambert was “sad and trying to process everything” taking it day by day and doing the best she can. Her to be country song? Likely to be, “My Cheating Makes Me Sad.” I suggest they all consult breakup queen Taylor Swift for lyrical and video advice.
I wonder if Shelton brought the split up to Lambert like cheater Bianca’s boyfriend did to her. If he didn’t, I’m sure he regrets his missed opportunity. Thank goodness he’ll get to trash her in a country song.