Hulk Hogan Also Homophobic, Not Only a Racist!

After Hulk Hogan’s recently leaked racist rant that pulled him off the face of the WWE like a cheating ex-boyfriend, it seemed as if things couldn’t get worse for the guy, but the sex tape went on after the end of his racist rant and moved onto a homophobic one.

Shortly after his well-publicized and bigoted rant (that used the N-word like a comma) ended, Hogan started sprinkling the bundle-of-sticks word and, as described by Radar Online, even “more disturbing homophobic slurs.”

After Hogan and his affair captain, Heather Clem, finished discussing Hogan’s daughter Brooke’s upsetting-to-him, interracial love interests, they moved onto his then-current VH1 reality show, Hogan Knows Best. Funny how that title drips with irony now when it was only non-sensical then.

From the tape as reported by Radar Online:

“VH1 wanted me to do a big thing and go back to the house I grew up in,” Hulk says, discussing the Season Four finale of his show. “So we knock on the door,” he continues, “and a big f*g lives there now!”

Wow, it must have been really terrible treatment for Hogan to knock on the door of his childhood home, be welcomed inside, and then given a toy from his childhood – a small truck – that was found in the garden by the current owner. The horror!

Apparently, “this half-gay was enamored with Linda.” I’m not quite sure what “half-gay” means but, considering the context of the rest of this rant, I’m going to assume it’s hateful.

Speaking of hateful, Hogan used the next few minutes of his sex tape, which seems to have everything besides sex involved, to share his distaste for his then wife, Linda.

His friend, Bubba “The Love Sponge” Clem, enters the room, because yeah, always invite your friends/husband of your mistress to your hateful rants. “Dude, the only thing I will ever ask of you … I don’t know how you will pull this off … is, if I am ever on my death bed, you cannot let Linda come and visit me,” Hogan ask/tells Bubba.

Hogan was worried about losing out in the soon-to-be divorce, that not shockingly happened shortly after this audiotape. He didn’t want to lose his five million dollar Los Vegas house, but plotted that the man he otherwise called a “black billionaire” and N-word on the tape, Cecile Barker, could and would buy it from him and then give it back after the divorce was finalized.

Funnily enough, this comes full circle as Hogan’s ex-wife Linda made claims after the divorce that her once husband had an affair with wrestler Brutus Beefcake. Hogan sued Linda for defamation over those claims. Two thoughts on this, 1. it usually is the people brutally bigoted to the gays that turn out to be gay themselves, 2. if you’re going to experiment with your sexuality, you should do it with a guy named “Beefcake.”

“It’s tough because a lot of my friends in normal life, a lot of my friends in the entertainment business, and a lot of my friends in the wrestling business are gay,” he said in 2012.

Wait, why is any of that difficult, Hogan? I have never felt it tough to be friends with or work with a person who identifies with a sexuality other than my own. Does that really come up a lot for you and present a lot of problems… even in 2012?

“If it was true and I was gay, I’d embrace it, and I’d tell you guys about it, and I’d celebrate it.”

Mmm hmm… looking forward to future celebrations.

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