(Please read in movie voiceover voice) This Christmas, Silver Linings Playbook the Sequel: But This Time About the Lady That Invented the Magic Mop. Watch your favorite 2013 award-winning actors and crew from Silver Linings Playbook (yeah, literally the same people including Bradley Cooper, Robert DeNiro and director David O. Russell) create another similarly-seeming dramatic movie. Enjoy Jennifer Lawrence, a woman in her mid-twenties, play a middle-aged mom. Let your heart melt at the drama. Foooom: National We-Don’t-Celebrate-Christmas Movie Day 2015.
Personally, I like my title better, but they’re calling it Joy and its trailer was released today. The biopic follows the story of Miracle Mop inventor, Joy Mangano, during her mid-thirties, single mom struggle. Yeah, the trailer makes it look infinitely more interesting. It’s bound to be the kind of heartfelt holiday movie that everyone will see because Christmas. Oh yeah and the trailer is set to The Rolling Stones, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” because feelings.