#WhenTrumpIsElected: A Curated Selection

Freaking Twitter, you are the best. #WhenTrumpIsElected is my new favorite hashtag: hilarious with an added bonus of sad realism. (Somehow Donald’s sad joke of a campaign still has him ahead in the polls for Republican Candidate 2016, even over Jeb Bush and republicans love some bush.

#WhenTrumpIsElected allows Twitter users to imagine the dystopian future where Donald Trump and his self-aware hair are our all-powerful overlords. Below is a curated selection of my favorites; let’s take a look:

My insurance doesn’t cover any of those things now!

Ugh, the realism.

Hue Hue Hue, Topical!

Gotta love the hair jokes. I thought “Hair Force One” was funny, but you really got me, @EddieDellaSiepe. And, I saved the best for last:

#TooReal #GentleSobbing

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