Bill Cosby, every day another thread is pulled from the proverbial ugly 80’s sweater that holds you together. This disgusting time we have three new accounts of women who are no longer able to prosecute the serial rapist.
These accounts describe Cosby using an opportunity to rape and drug a flight attendant, telling a woman she had been blessed with his semen, and sexually harassing a woman on set of The Cosby Show in 1989.
First, Colleen Hughes. In a press conference at attorney Gloria Allred’s office on Wednesday, the flight attendant described her experience in which Cosby flirted with her the entire flight before asking her to lunch. As published by The Wrap:
According to Hughes, the two went to her hotel room so she could shower and change clothes and, when she emerged, Cosby had ordered champagne and appetizers. Hughes claimed that Cosby was drinking champagne out of her shoe. There were also glasses of champagne, Hughes said, and Cosby handed her one. The last thing Hughes claimed to remember was Cosby attempting to hold her hand, after which she woke up hours later.
“My clothes were thrown all over the room and I felt semen on the small of my back and all over me,” Hughes said. “Bill obviously did not use a condom and there was no lunch and he was nowhere to be seen.”
Hughes claimed that, approximately a year later, she encountered Cosby on another flight. When she reminded the comedian of the alleged incident, Hughes said, Cosby “turned pale and said ‘did you ever report that to anyone?’” She replied that she had not.
Next, Linda Ridgeway Whitedeer. Her demeaning interaction occurred during an interview for a part with Cosby in the director’s office.
“I felt Cosby’s left hand gently grab my long hair behind my head … his giant frame blocked the door so if anyone should try to enter, they would not be able to see what he was doing,” Whitedeer said. “As I looked up his penis was out of his pants and he shoved it in my mouth. His attack was fast with surgical precision and surprise on his side.”
“When Cosby was done, there was a horrible mess of semen all over my face, my clothes and in my hair. He took out a Kleenex to try to wipe off my face. I was bordering between vomiting and passing out. He was mumbling that I had been blessed with his semen as if it was holy water.”
The third woman to share her story, Eden Tirl, remembered being cast to play a police officer on The Cosby Show, and being escorted to Cosby’s dressing room one afternoon after shooting.
Cosby, Tirl said, “closed the door behind him… and locked it. “There was a palpable shift of power. I lost my breath,” Tirl said. The pair chatted for close to a half hour, Tirl said, though the whole time her “knees shook behind the coffee table.” Tirl said she attempted to deter Cosby’s attention by telling him, “Bill, you are Jello pudding pops and Fat Albert to me … you are my childhood. He barked back instantly, ‘Don’t say that, they all say that!’” Tirl recalled. “I had handled being ‘hit on’ many times in the industry, this had far surpassed that.” Tirl told reporters. “I felt dominated.”
Bill Cosby and his legal team are still denying any and all accusations. NBC has shelved a developing comedy that was proposed to star the alleged serial rapist. Netflix has postponed a comedy special that was slated to air late last year, since his media persona has now turned from comedian to colloquial rapist.
To Cosby and his lawyers, “Don’t say that, they all say that” said either now or in the late ’80s is not the kind of thing you should have ever had to allegedly utter.