Tom Hardy Signs Onto Vertigo Comic’s ‘100 Bullets’

Well, this sounds interesting. Tom Hardy loves the comic book genre (re: Suicide Squad) AND the big bucks that come with them. Sequels, merchandise, etc. Signing onto these big budget comic book movies is like locking in your celeb status for years to come. Smart.

Hollywood Reporter gave the deets:

Running for 100 issues from 1999 to 2009, the acclaimed comic centered on an enigmatic man named Agent Graves as he presents different people, for reasons unknown, with a gun, the identity of the person who ruined their lives … and a hundred rounds of untraceable ammunition.

Hardy plans to produce and may star as the main character. The plot sounds pretty dark.

Vertigo Comics put out some pretty good titles. As Entertainment Weekly reports:

Some of the great comic book stories of the last two decades came from Vertigo: Preacher, 100 BulletsY: The Last Man, The InvisiblesTransmetropolitan. And although it had already been running for a few years before the creation of Vertigo proper, Neil Gaiman’s mythological saga The Sandman is considered one of the defining products of the Vertigo house style. Joseph Gordon-Levitt has been developing a Sandman movie for a couple years now, apparently as part of Warner Bros’ attempt to transform their reborn Superman franchise into a full-scale Justice League megafranchise.

Can’t wait for Sandman. The plot of 100 Bullets seems awesome also. They’re still in the early phases of development though. If they ever get made, expect comic fans to slobber over these around 2018 Comic-Con.

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