First Amendment Allows ‘F**k Your Shitty Town Bitches’ Comment on Speeding Ticket

Michael Barboza received a speeding ticket (for speeding) in Liberty, New York, and he thought this was bullshit! So, in the heat of the moment, he decided to write, “F**k your shitty town bitches” on the ticket and cross out the word “Liberty” and replace it with “Tyranny”Then he calmed the hell down and just paid the ticket. End of story, right? Nope, wrong.

The town of Liberty rejected his payment and called him into court where he was arrested for aggravated harassment. Wooooah now, Liberty. We’re being a tad dramatic, yes? Barboza was naturally pissed, and decided to sue the town of Liberty and its assistant district attorney, Robert Zangla, for violating his First Amendment rights. A federal judge found that Barboza’s writing, “though crude and offensive to some, did not convey an imminent threat and was made in the context of complaining about government activity,” and thus didn’t qualify as harassment under the relevant statute.

And so, the case was decided in Barboza’s favor, to which he made a public statement:

“I hope that by standing up for myself, other Americans will not be treated like criminals for complaining about their government with a few harmless words. Bitches.”

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