I Hid in Brittney Palmer’s Closet and All I Got was This Lousy Photo

Shhh…be very quiet. I’m hunting wabbits. Ring girl wabbits. Brittney Palmer put her ass up on the Internet. Hey, if you’ve got it, flaunt it. Please flaunt it, Brittney. Please??

On a side note, Palmer’s going through some rough times. As in her husband slammed her against the bed and tried choking her out. Yup, domestic violence issues. Are you gonna move on Brittney or was this just a one time thing and you KNOW he’s gonna change?

Let’s time travel back to June this year.

In docs obtained by TMZ Sports … LAPD says things got physical when they wrestled for her phone — [Aaron] Zalewski noticed she was recording the argument, and during the struggle he threw Palmer, and she hit her head on a bedpost.

Brittney told cops Zalewski yelled, “Pack your f**king bags and go!”  — but wouldn’t let her leave. She says he threw her down again — pinning her face down on a mattress, with his knee in her back. She says she struggled to breathe for 2 minutes while he held her down.

Evidently, this all started when Zalewski overheard Palmer’s agent call her ‘babe’. Totally reasonable response right?

Sooo, the part about pinning her face down. I guess it would look like this Instagram photo Brittney posted?

She’s not quite face down, but you have to let ’em breathe a little, right? Yeesh.

Surprise, Los Angeles prosecutors declined to press charges against Zalewski. You’re free to continue beating your wife, tough guy. L.A., meanwhile, has no problem with Zalewski going back to his wife and a house full of ammunition.

Don’t think L.A. takes domestic violence lightly though.

The hearing officer could decide to file charges or recommend alternative resolutions, including anger management classes, community service or restitution…

Charges might still be filed. Anger management course may be required. L.A. needs more evidence besides abrasions and cuts to Brittney before prosecuting. Come back when you break some bones and noses, Zalewski.

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