So, we all know Jesus walks on water, but it looks like this house of god is also giving it a go. Breathtaking photos of the Mexican Temple of Santiago have been spreading like wildfire across the Internet. Take a look and tell me it’s not the dopest thing you’ve ever seen in your life.
Low water levels in a reservoir in Chiapas, Mexico, have revealed the ruins of the 16th century Temple of Santiago.
— Besho (@be_sh_oy) October 18, 2015
While it’s cool to imagine this happening a few hundred years ago and villagers running around it in circles screaming in terror and amazement, it turns out this has more to do with man’s intervention than any kinda godly mumbo-jumbo.
A year long drought has caused the water level of Grijalva River in Chiapas, Mexico to decrease by 82 feet. This has allowed the Temple of Santiago to emerge from the depths like an architecturally beautiful sea beast.
The Temple of Santiago was built by a group of monks led by Friar Bartolome de la Casas during the mid-16th century. According to architect Carlos Navarete, the church was abandoned between 1773 to 1776 due to the devastation of plagues brought over by the crusty European settlers who believed that bathing was a sin. The Temple of Santiago only became flooded completely in 1966 due to the completion of a nearby dam, but this isn’t the first time drought has revealed it. During an even more severe drought in 2002, the water level of the Grijalva River became so low that people were walking around and chillin’. Local fisherman Leonel Mendoza told Associated Press,
“The people celebrated. They came to eat, to hang out, to do business. I sold them fried fish. They did processions around the church.”
Currently local fisherman are taking people out on boats to explore the ruins before they disappear beneath the water again.
Super rad.
(Image: Imgur)