Wrestling fan James Wooten proves that weddings and Burger King have a lot in common (you’re probably not gonna stop at one and you can have them your way) with his dramatic entrance at his own wedding. Dressed in a spot on Ric Flair cosplay (Gloriously hokey gold and feathered robe? Check!) he took a pre-bride stride down the bridal catwalk as The Nature Boy to applause and cheers. Wooten then disrobed to take his place at the altar in a suit.
Apparently, Wooten’s wife had no idea until she was shown the YouTube video, which just makes the whole thing funnier. I say down with the bridezilla and up with the ‘Ric-zilla’. Hot glue some feathers onto that ball and chain. You do you, boo. Hopefully you’re better at marriage than the actual Ric Flair.