Jim Carrey’s Scientologist Ex Found with Carrey’s Pill Bottles After Suicide

The bizarre circumstances surrounding the apparent suicide of Jim Carrey’s ex, 30-year-old make-up artist and aspiring actress, Cathriona White, have made it a veritable media frenzy.

White was found dead in her Los Angeles home weeks after her September 24th break up with Carrey. Her body was found with three empty pill bottles. All of these were prescribed to one of Jim Carrey’s aliases and it’s believed that she took them from his home. The troubled make-up artist was found with prescriptions for Percocet, Propranolol, and Ambien.

Some believe that her involvement with Scientology may have played a role in her tragic suicide. According to two of her friends, White had been involved in the church’s Survival Rundown course (SRD) in the months prior to her taking her own life. While Scientology is considered more of a punchline than a religion by the sane, those involved take it incredibly seriously. According to a former member of the church, SRD involves spending hundreds of hours using technology that puts people in altered states and psychologically damages them.


Cathriona White will be buried in Ireland and Carrey will reportedly attend her funeral.

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