Amidst chatter around his new film, Black Mass, Johnny Depp tells Newsbeat that he never wants to win an Oscar. You know, that silly little golden statue that’s given out once a year for an outstanding achievement in film, a profession you’ve dedicated your entire life to.
Says Depp, “I don’t want to win one of those things ever, you know.” His reason? “I don’t want to have to talk.” Depp explains that a nomination is enough. “They gave me one of those things, like a nomination, two or three times.”
Johnny goes on to explain, “The idea of winning means that you’re in competition with someone and I’m not in competition with anybody.” Adding, “I just stick to my guns and do what I want to do. Sometimes people don’t like it but that’s alright.”
Depp is doing the humble thing where he says he doesn’t care but you know if they call his name, he’s going to snatch that thing out of the presenter’s hands like Gollum with the ring. Anyway, if I was Johnny Depp I wouldn’t care about an Oscar either. The guy is married to Amber Heard. If you hadn’t noticed, she’s super pretty and sounds kind of cool. Her farts probably smell like crème brûlée.