On Thursday, child molester and former spokesman for Subway, Jared Fogle received 15 years in prison for his child pornography collection and having sex with minors. Could tack quite a few more years on that sentence, if you ask me.
But a 2013 Subway Super Bowl commercial has made a comeback and I think this might be irony? In the ad, professional athletes and, inexplicably, actor Brian Baumgartner tell the story of Jared’s weight loss as though pitching a movie in order to celebrate the 15 year milestone in Jared’s weight loss success.
What a nice image, seeing Jared sit in front of that Subway sandwich cake with giant “15” candles. Congratulations, Jared!
What a nice image seeing Jared put behind bars for his disgusting and vile behaviour. It would be even better if they threw away the key to his cell. Those kids are scared for life.