Nicki Minaj is famous for talking up women and wanting to inspire them, and taking zero s**t from anyone. Whether it’s the industry’s standards or Miley Cyrus, Nicki is gonna tell you how she feels and why. While she gets a lot right, it looks like she’s also getting some s**t dead wrong.
On one hand she took to Twitter to call out DJ Clue for his “Pill Cosby” costume post on Instagram.
The CEO of Desert Storm Records dressed up as an unconscious woman holding a drink with an inflatable Bill Cosby attached to him. The inflatable Bill Cosby is positioned to feel him up and puts pills in his drink. He captioned the original image, “This gotta stop #PillCosby,” but used a bunch of laughing/crying emojis so we all know how funny that is.
“Our generation is so desensitized.”
Minaj captioned the photo of the screengrab on Instagram, and she’s right. Dozens of women get raped and you turn it into a Halloween costume? When even I think you’re a dick, you should probably reevaluate some things.
This Social Justice Warrior Nicki Minaj doesn’t match up with the Nicki Minaj that posted a video of herself in a fairy costume, waving her magic wand and telling a person in a wheelchair, “Now if only I could find Handi-Man! Walk! I command you to walk!”
Oh my god.
She took down the video after Twitter got on her case and fired back that she was not making of disabled people, and it was just her abled friend sitting in a wheelchair helping her make fun of disabled people….which is still…not ok…at all.
Lol. That's NOT a disabled person and u know that. Are u that desperate for attention?
— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) November 1, 2015
Lol u mufuckas need some peepee.
— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) November 1, 2015
Bitch, u knew. That's my friend in a scooter. Have a great day. I surely will. 😘
— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) November 1, 2015
How about an apology, maybe?
Damn Nicki. Lettin’ me down.
Uh! I’m pretty sure she was mocking “Handy Man”. Those were the exact words she used when she tried to make a Handy Man magically appear.