‘Real Men Use the Unicorn Emoji and Aren’t Afraid’ — Ariana Grande Slams Sexist Radio Host

Ariana Grande tried to hit the press circuit last week to promote her new single and video “Focus”, but was mostly hit back by the industry’s sexism. Fortunately, this tiny pop star is not to be taken lightly.

While speaking Thursday with the Los Angeles radio station KPWR, DJs Justin Credible and Eric D-Lux, who seem like the kind of guys who think jokes about women making sandwiches are solid and relevant humor, asked Grande some dumb ass questions.

They asked if she could choose just one item to use one last time, would she use her makeup or her cellphone? Grande gave these sad little men the dead-eyed look of someone who’s truly tired of this s**t.

“Is this men assuming that that’s what girls would have to choose between?”

Instead of realizing that she wasn’t going to play, these tools showed just how fresh from the shed they are. They continued with the cellphone line of questioning, asking her about the new emojis that just dropped this fall. Grande listed a few she liked, and when she mentioned the unicorn emoji, Eric D-Lux responded with a mockingly snorted “girls.”

More like Eric D-Bag, if you ask me. And also if you ask Ariana Grande. She shot back fast,

“You need a little brushing up about equality. Who says the unicorn emoji isn’t for men? Real men use the unicorn emoji and aren’t afraid.”

Hell yeah. Fight the patriarchy. Text your unicorns proudly, boys.
Grande is particular used to being treated like a particularly shallow piece of skirt steak. This summer, after rumors that she was dating Big Sean led to her being caught in a ruthless game of ‘Pin The Ariana On The Dick’, she shot back with a long Instagram letter where she expanded on this:

“What I meant when I said what I said about not being Sean’s ex is that I am tired of living in a world where women are mostly referred to as a man’s past, present or future property/possession.”

You tell ’em girl.

“I… do not. belong. to anyone. but myself. and neither do you.”

Ariana took a similar approach with the basic bitch radio hosts, shutting them down with power and skill. When asked what she would like to change in the world, she replied:

“Intolerance, meanness, double standards, misogyny, racism, sexism. All that s**t. That’s what we need to focus on. We’ve got work to do.”

Then she turned to D-Bag and ‘jokingly’ said.

“We’ll start with you.”

And that’s Ariana Grande showing mother nature not just how to throw shade, but to cast an eclipse. Goddamn Ariana. Goddamn.

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