Alexander Skarsgard is Tarzan: Tarzan Resurrected for 2016

Since there are never enough versions of Tarzan to be exploited, this summer brings you the most realistic version yet–a movie cast of only perfectly symmetrical, unquestionably physically fit and very white Africans of a previously feral lifestyle.

In the upcoming film directed by David Yates, The Legend of Tarzan stars Alexander Skarsgard as Tarzan and Margot Robbie as wife, Jane, with the beauty of Africa as their canvas. Having left his jungle home behind him, the viewer will experience Yates’ take on the age old Tarzan mythology with a series of flashbacks.

Yates aims to revive the tale with realistic sets and modern ideals with Jane as a “really strong, assertive, beautifully knowledgeable, very sexy modern woman who can more than look after herself.”

Type-casting is alive and well as Margot Robbie has risen to fame as exactly that. And if Alexander Skarsgard isn’t a tall, lean, athletic machine … then no one is.

See the Legend of Tarzan in all of its whitewashed African beauty July 2016.

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