Kanye and Wiz Make #Waves in a Historic Twitter Battle

The last 19 hours have been busy for Kanye West, although he seems like the kind of guy that tells everyone he’s busy so they don’t ask him to do things. In a tweet of a piece of paper worth more than my life, Kanye renamed his upcoming album.

The switch from SWISH to WAVES seems minute. I mean, why would any of us really care unless it inhibits our ability to buy or to not buy the album? Instead people got pissed, namely Taylor Gang’s Wiz Khalifa. In an effort to stand up to Kanye, Wiz did what any self-respecting human in the 21st century does when s**t gets tough, he subtweeted.

He stood up in defense of an imprisoned rapper who cannot tweet for himself. Someone I assume is close to Taylor Gang?

After tweeting a few clips from Max B’s repertoire and getting the man’s name to trend number 1, Wiz took the time to confront Ye more directly.

Beyond a singular Max B reference, Ye didn’t really pick up what Wiz was putting down and blew it off. Until Wiz tweeted again this morning:

And that’s what sent Mr. West into a tizzy. It’s common knowledge that Kim Kardashian (KK) and Kanye West are married with two children, right? But is it common knowledge that every abbreviation of kk must be Kim? To start off his rant, Kanye tweeted back:

Like, oh that’s Ye and I can put his wife’s initials on my twitter @Wizkhalifa

I know when I’m really pissed I usually say ‘kk’ but I don’t usually mean Kim.

In a series of now deleted tweets, Kanye went off on Wiz in typical Kanye fashion.

Oh n****s must think I’m not petty cause I’m the best that’s ever made music

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 27, 2016

By calling himself a god, by staking claim to Wiz and Amber Rose’s child, by accusing Wiz of being corny and ripping off Cudi and Wiz blew it off.

Favorite of the series:

You own waves???? I own your child!!!!

Correcting Kanye’s honest misunderstanding, Wiz tweeted:

And after a few more comments from Kanye after #wizwearscoolpants, it was all dropped.

Kanye went on to delete all of his rant and send nothing but blessings.

But not without the ex of both rappers, Amber Rose, stepping forward. And she even @ him.

I fucking love Twitter.

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