One Direction Is Reportedly Going Their Separate Ways, or Are They?

A whole lotta sources have been dragging up a whole lotta drama on the nature of the future of One Direction minus Zayn Malik.

Are they together? Are they not? Since being twinks was their entire marketing angle, how long could 1D really have even gone on?

The first source of the morning claimed that their alleged hiatus was gonna be a full out break up. According to an anonymous source speaking to US Weeklythey did not renew their recording contract and:

“The 1D thing just ran its course. They’ll remain friends, but they are exhausted and want solo careers.”

The source even went on to talk about their specific goals. Apparently, Liam wants to do songwriting and production, Harry wants to be an actor and singer, and Louis is about to be a first-time dad. The insider apparently forgot entirely about Niall.

Then two hours later some other source popped up telling Billboard that it’s all good, 1D is still together, and “all will be revealed in due time.”

Ok, so what is the truth?

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