Every so often a hashtag pops up on Twitter that truly brings the tweeple together in true hilarity. Today’s viral sensation, #BadStarWars8Names, with 200 new posts just in the time it took me to type two sentences, . What would you name the eighth Star Wars episode?
Would it be?:
#BadStarWars8Names Luke Who's Back pic.twitter.com/PCKGr2m1Fp
— Daniel Wright (@danielmwright) January 5, 2016
Or with a Breaking Bad-Star Wars crossover?
The One Who Knocks, I Am #BadStarWars8Names pic.twitter.com/HuogMTwsW4
— The Pixel Factor (@ThePixelFactor) January 5, 2016
Kylo Ren Harry Met Sally #BadStarWars8Names pic.twitter.com/SovtkGNlSP
— The Pixel Factor (@ThePixelFactor) January 5, 2016
Sith Betta Have My Money pic.twitter.com/Sk2Uea7pXM
— LiNC🤓LN PARK (@linc0lnpark) January 5, 2016
#BadStarWars8Names: "Rey of Light"
"Finndependence Day"
"Poe Money, Poe Problems"
"Kylo Can You Go"
"BB-8 Is Enough"
"First Order Up"
— 𒌐🌈ざぼうさん🌈𒌐 (@zabu_san) January 5, 2016
I’d watch an entire new series in spoof of the Star Wars episodes.