Lego Batman Is Truly the Hero We Deserve in New ‘Lego Batman Movie’ Teaser Trailer

The Lego Movie was surprisingly dope, which was never a sentence I thought I would be personally responsible for. From the looks of the recently dropped The Lego Batman Movie trailer, the spin-off will be just as much of a good time.

Will Arnett voices the Dark Knight himself, who I hope will treat us to some ILLUSIONS. Batty does typical Batman s**t in the trailer like beatbox and reheat leftovers.

This new school Batman, who considers saving the city “off the chain,” first appeared in 2014’s The Lego Movie. That grossed roughly $470 million worldwide. The Lego Batman MovieĀ will be back on the silver screen February 2017. Michael Cera, Mariah Carey, and Zach Galifinakakakaka are also in the cast.

Check out the trailer below.

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