And by shockingly I mean ‘not at all shockingly.’
Apparently, Lane Bryant has been trying to push a Victoria’s Secret-like lingerie commercial starring Ashley Graham and other plus-sized models. ABC and NBC rejected it with next to no explanation.
Just like most women don’t look like models, most don’t look like plus-sized models either. They aren’t even fat. What, ABC and NBC can’t handle a little extra boob? A collective extra eight and a half pounds?
TMZ obtained the unaired commercial while ABC has offered radio silence on its dismissal of. NBC has said they asked Lane Bryant to make minor edits to comply with the network’s indecency guidelines, but didn’t offer any insight into what’s indecent about it.
Probably the edits involve locking the models in a hole in the ground without food for a week to make them worthy of being seen half-naked by the incredibly discerning American public.
F**k off network TV. Can we take this to Netflix? I want four seasons of Ashley Graham walking around in lingerie. It will be just like House of Cards.
Strongly against promoting overweight as healthy.
Vehemently against body shaming.