Xtina and Pharrell are taking season 11 of The Voice off, and Alicia Keys and Miley Cyrus are their replacements.
According to Celeb Dirty Laundry, Cyrus was brought in to make anyone under the age of 30 give a s**t, which may or may not work. We know it’s not working for Maroon 5 frontman and human clarinet Adam Levine, who wants the achey breaky heiress dead.
A source explained to Us Weekly:
“They both have short attention spans. They find each other annoying. Adam would get agitated when Miley would interrupt him, and she enjoyed getting under his skin.”
Wow, it’s almost like she’s totally immature and he’s kind of a bitter old man. The dynamic writes itself folks. I’ve never been excited for a season of The Voice before, but I’ll be checking this one out.
While a feud hasn’t been confirmed, it’s not surprising that they don’t get along. Generally when you put two overconfident, self-centered, and opinionated people in a room and tell them to talk to each other, you get something between bickering and bloodshed. Also it’s been said that Levine has an “abrasive personality.” And by that I’m pretty sure that means he’s at least kind of a dick IRL.
Apparently, Miley and Blake Shelton are getting along famously though, so I’m looking forward to the Miley and Blake vs Adam Levine smackdown.
Round 1: FIGHT!