Bet you didn’t think you were gonna hear anything about Katherine Heigl today! Via People, Heigl and husband Josh Kelley are expecting baby number 3:
The Kelley clan is thrilled to announce that we are expecting a third addition to our family. Naleigh and Adelaide could not be more excited to welcome their new sibling into the fold and Josh and I are overflowing with joy and gratitude.
Yeah everyone always says they’re excited to have a sibling until that sibling isn’t a doll and siphons all the attention away from you and your important problems. But this is a milestone for the Kelly clan. Both of Heigl and Kelley’s elder children are adopted.
This is an incredibly exciting time for us filled with hope, anticipation, and hormones. Well, only I’m filled with hormones, but everyone in the family gets to enjoy them. We couldn’t be more excited to be able to finally share this news with our fans and are looking forward to continuing to share the journey with you all. xoxo, Katie and Josh
Can someone tell them they don’t have fans?